*****All 60-Shot Air Pistol Scores For Matthew DeLong*****
Score Cl Cat Event
502 B S2  05/05/2006 | PTO
527 A M1  06/05/1999 | PTO
524 A M1  02/27/1999 | PTO
528 B M1  11/07/1998 | Pistol Championship and PTO
540 B M1  10/03/1998 | PTO
536 B M1  08/15/1998 | PTO
531 B M1  07/18/1998 | PTO
537 B M1  06/06/1998 | PTO
528 B M1  05/02/1998 | PTO
523 B M1  03/07/1998 | PTO
531 B  01/17/1998 | PTO
517 B  12/06/1997 | PTO and Collegiate Competition
526 B  11/01/1997 | International Pistol Match and PTO
511 1  11/01/1997 | International Pistol Match and PTO
509 1  09/27/1997 | International Pistol Match and PTO
531 1  07/19/1997 | Pistol Match and PTO
519 1  05/17/1997 | Pistol Match and PTO
533 1  03/15/1997 | Pistol Match and PTO
499 1  01/18/1997 | Pistol Match and PTO
516 1  11/16/1996 | State Championship Pistol Match
544 1  08/17/1996 | PTO Pistol Match
536 1  07/20/1996 | PTO Pistol Match
545 1  06/22/1996 | PTO Pistol Match

*****All Standard Pistol Scores For Matthew DeLong*****
Score Cl Cat Event
512 C S2  07/15/2011 | July PTO
524 C S2  06/03/2011 | 2011 Southwest Regional Rifle and Pistol...
521 C S2  03/04/2011 | March PTO
513 B S2  12/10/2010 | December PTO
523 B S2  11/05/2010 | November PTO
505 C S2  08/13/2010 | August PTO
494 C S2  07/16/2010 | July PTO
512 C S2  03/07/2010 | International State Championship
519 C S2  01/08/2010 | January PTO
516 C S2  12/11/2009 | December PTO
509 C S2  11/06/2009 | PTO
515 C S2  09/25/2009 | September PTO
524 C S2  08/14/2009 | PTO
506 C S2  07/17/2009 | July PTO
525 C S2  06/05/2009 | Northwest Pistol Regional
525 C S2  05/01/2009 | PTO
523 C O  03/06/2009 | Utah State Rifle & Pistol Indoor Championships...
505  01/05/2008 | January Utah PTO and State Junior Olympics...
513  11/02/2007 | November Utah Rifle and Pistol PTO Event # 3213
523 B S2  12/01/2006 | PTO
507 B S2  09/29/2006 | PTO
521 1 S2  08/18/2006 | Pistol PTO
509 B S2  07/14/2006 | PTO
513 C S2  03/03/2006 | International State Championship
522 B S2  01/06/2006 | PTO
511 B S2  09/23/2005 | International Pistol PTO
518 B S1  08/19/2005 | PTO
524 C S2  06/03/2005 | Southwest Regional International Pistol PTO
542 B  03/04/2005 | PTO and International State Championship
522 B S2  01/07/2005 | International Pistol PTO
531 B S2  09/24/2004 | International Pistol PTO
480 B  08/16/2004 | PTO
534 C S2  06/04/2004 | Southwest Regional International Pistol PTO
527 B S2  04/30/2004 | Utah Pistol PTO
529 C  07/18/2003 | PTO
515 C  06/06/2003 | Southwest Regional International Pistol...
551 1  06/01/2002 | PTO
540 B S1  12/07/2001 | PTO
508 B S1  08/19/2000 | International Training Match
524 B S1  06/02/2000 | International Training Match
514 B S1  05/05/2000 | PTO
524 B M1  03/03/2000 | PTO
524 B M1  01/14/2000 | PTO
533 B M1  02/27/1999 | PTO
535 B M1  11/07/1998 | Pistol Championship and PTO
522 B M1  06/06/1998 | PTO
520 B  01/17/1998 | PTO
524 B  12/06/1997 | PTO and Collegiate Competition
530 1  09/27/1997 | International Pistol Match and PTO

*****All Free Pistol Scores For Matthew DeLong*****
Score Cl Cat Event
436 C S2  06/05/2009 | Northwest Pistol Regional
457  11/01/2008 | Utah November Rifle and Pistol PTO Event # 3787
451  06/01/2007 | 2007 Southwest Regional Rifle and Pistol...
447  05/04/2007 | May 2007 Utah PTO Event # 3017
459 C S2  12/01/2006 | PTO
476 C S2  11/03/2006 | PTO
461 C S2  09/29/2006 | PTO
461 1 S2  08/18/2006 | Pistol PTO
436 C S2  07/14/2006 | PTO
458 C S2  05/05/2006 | PTO
441 C S2  12/02/2005 | International Pistol PTO
472 C S2  11/04/2005 | International Pistol PTO
460 C S2  09/23/2005 | International Pistol PTO
476 C S2  06/03/2005 | Southwest Regional International Pistol PTO
440 C S2  05/06/2005 | Pistol PTO
453 C  03/04/2005 | PTO and International State Championship
457 C S2  01/07/2005 | International Pistol PTO
445 C S2  12/03/2004 | International Pistol PTO
462 B S2  09/24/2004 | International Pistol PTO
445 C  08/16/2004 | PTO
465 C S2  06/04/2004 | Southwest Regional International Pistol PTO
443 C S2  04/30/2004 | Utah Pistol PTO
459 C  06/06/2003 | Southwest Regional International Pistol...
477 1  06/01/2002 | PTO
471 C S1  12/07/2001 | PTO
502 C S1  08/19/2000 | International Training Match
490 C S1  06/02/2000 | International Training Match
469 C M1  03/03/2000 | PTO
484 B M1  01/14/2000 | PTO
482 B M1  06/05/1999 | PTO
482 B M1  02/27/1999 | PTO
483 D M1  11/07/1998 | Pistol Championship and PTO
466 D M1  10/03/1998 | PTO
494 D M1  08/15/1998 | PTO
495 D M1  07/18/1998 | PTO
475 D M1  05/02/1998 | PTO
489 D M1  03/07/1998 | PTO
463 D  01/17/1998 | PTO
469 D  12/06/1997 | PTO and Collegiate Competition
453 D  11/01/1997 | International Pistol Match and PTO
423 1  09/27/1997 | International Pistol Match and PTO
463 1  05/17/1997 | Pistol Match and PTO
454 1  03/15/1997 | Pistol Match and PTO
450 1  01/18/1997 | Pistol Match and PTO
472 1  11/16/1996 | State Championship Pistol Match
460 1  08/17/1996 | PTO Pistol Match
481 1  07/20/1996 | PTO Pistol Match
456 1  06/22/1996 | PTO Pistol Match
468 1  05/18/1996 | PTO Pistol Match

*****All Center Fire Pistol Scores For Matthew DeLong*****
Score Cl Cat Event
546 A S2  06/03/2011 | 2011 Southwest Regional Rifle and Pistol...
523 B S2  03/04/2011 | March PTO
525 B S2  03/07/2010 | International State Championship
541 1 S2  06/03/2005 | Southwest Regional International Pistol PTO
534 A  03/04/2005 | PTO and International State Championship
543 A S2  12/03/2004 | International Pistol PTO
496 B S2  04/30/2004 | Utah Pistol PTO
538 A S1  03/02/2001 | International Pistol Championship and PTO
538 A S1  09/30/2000 | International Training Match
530 A S1  08/19/2000 | International Training Match
538 A S1  06/02/2000 | International Training Match
528 A S1  05/05/2000 | PTO
551 A M1  03/03/2000 | PTO
536 B M1  01/14/2000 | PTO
545 B M1  06/05/1999 | PTO
549 B M1  02/27/1999 | PTO
539 A M1  11/07/1998 | Pistol Championship and PTO
548 A M1  10/03/1998 | PTO
537 A M1  08/15/1998 | PTO
546 A M1  07/18/1998 | PTO
541 A M1  06/06/1998 | PTO
558 A M1  05/02/1998 | PTO
550 A M1  03/07/1998 | PTO
547 A  01/17/1998 | PTO
541 A  12/06/1997 | PTO and Collegiate Competition
539 A  11/01/1997 | International Pistol Match and PTO

*****All J/W Sport Pistol Scores For Matthew DeLong*****
Score Cl Cat Event
516  06/01/2007 | 2007 Southwest Regional Rifle and Pistol...

*****All Rapid Fire Pistol Scores For Matthew DeLong*****
Score Cl Cat Event
519 D S2  06/03/2011 | 2011 Southwest Regional Rifle and Pistol...
488 D S2  03/04/2011 | March PTO
519 B S2  12/10/2010 | December PTO
506 B S2  11/05/2010 | November PTO
431 C S2  08/13/2010 | August PTO
481 C S2  07/16/2010 | July PTO
509 C S2  06/01/2010 | June PTO
499 C S2  03/07/2010 | International State Championship
501 C S2  01/08/2010 | January PTO
514 C S2  12/11/2009 | December PTO
509 C S2  11/06/2009 | PTO
488 C S2  09/25/2009 | September PTO
518 C S2  08/14/2009 | PTO
478 C S2  07/17/2009 | July PTO
420 C S2  05/01/2009 | PTO
502  11/02/2007 | November Utah Rifle and Pistol PTO Event # 3213
469  06/01/2007 | 2007 Southwest Regional Rifle and Pistol...
473 E S2  12/01/2006 | PTO
486 E S2  11/03/2006 | PTO
472 E S2  09/29/2006 | PTO
484 1 S2  08/18/2006 | Pistol PTO
478 A S2  07/14/2006 | PTO